Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Remove the task folder from the task view.

If you do not implement a custom inbox task portlet, then you also don't want the tab showing in the list. Open the WebContent/WEB-INF/tasks/<task id>/taskDefinition.xml file and change the isTaskFolder="true" value to false in the section that looks like this:

  <!-- Publish Task pages -->
<CONTEXT alias="webm.apps.workflow">
      <folder name="Service Delay" description="" 
               alias="BF21B6F4-8954CEC6-4057-571C9AF1FF66.task.app" isTaskFolder="false"/>

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Maybe you could help me around, I get this problem when I use Vista, but in my laptop I use XP Pro (Yup, I'm left behind) and then it works just fine.
