Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Notifications from tasks

Built-in way:
  1. In the solutions tab, go to Tasks->[Task Project Name]->[Task Name]-> Task Notifications
  2. Right click and create a new notification.  This is basically an email template.  You can use any of the pipeline data that is input to the task in the email.
  3. Open the task overview screen for the task you want a notification on.
  4. Click on the Events tab
  5. Add a new Event and name it appropriately
  6. In the Event Actions section, add a new action and select the Send Notification action.  Select the notification that you created in step 2.
Now the users need to subscribe to receive the notifications:
  1. Login to My Webmethods Server.
  2. Go to Monitoring->Business->Tasks->MyInbox
  3. Right above the Export Table button is a subscriptions link.  Click it.
  4. Hit the Subscribe button
  5. Select the notification and hit next.
  6. Click the checkbox after task subscriptions and hit save.
Note: As the Administrator, you can set up subscriptions for other users.  Also in 7.1.3 we could not get subscriptions to work when assigning a role to the subscription.  We had to do individuals.

Integration Server Way:

  1. Create a flow service (or java service) that will send out your email notification.
  2. Register that service in the Bindings window in designer in your task project.
  3. Open the task overview screen for the task you want a notification on.
  4. Click on the Events tab
  5. Add a new Event and name it appropriately
  6. In the Event Actions section, add a new action and select the Invoke Service action.
  7. Select the service you created in steps 1 and 2.
Note: You have to get the email addresses of the users manually, format the email, etc with this method.


  1. dear mr.Kevin

    i'm newbie in webmethods Especially in the designer and MWS

    i use IS, designer, MWS v8.2

    Can you provide an explanation through pictures, with a very simple tutorial

  2. Hello,
    can you please help to send file as attachment to TASK.

    I am using webM 9.8.

    Thanks in Advance.
